
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Why Do People Get Married?

Why do people get married?
While some people are together for years and never feel a need to make their commitment to each other legal, many others elect to formally pledge their love and enter a binding partnership.
Reasons to get married ????????
For many, marriage is appealing because of the commitment that a long partnership requires.

Many people marry because of their religion. While sexual intercourse before marriage is no longer uncommon, even among those who are religious, marriage before God adds sanctity to wedding vows that further can further solidify the commitment between the two spouses.

Some marry in order to have children.

Humans are social animals who need other people in their lives. While being alone from time to time can be nice, many people want the companionship that comes with marriage. People like to have solid friends in their lives.

There is also, of course, love. The magic of love is the basis of a marriage.

This is why people get married ?????????

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